
Experience the Love and Grace of Jesus Christ

Christian Church of Chinese Ministry



Join us for worship and fellowship


religious concert performed by a band on stage
religious concert performed by a band on stage

Sunday Service : 11:00 AM Sunday




你 們 豈 不 說 、 到 收 割 的 時 候 、 還 有 四 個 月 麼 . 我 告 訴 你 們 、 舉 目 向 田 觀 看 、 莊 稼 已 經 熟 了 、 〔 原 文 作 發 白 〕 可 以 收 割 了 。 約翰福音 4: 35
woman in gray top sitting on a building's edge
woman in gray top sitting on a building's edge

Welcome to Christian Church of Chinese Ministry

We are dedicated to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to the Chinese community in Hong Kong. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone who walks through our doors. Come join us in worship and fellowship as we grow in our faith together.


我們致力於向香港華人社區傳播耶穌基督的愛和教義。 我們努力為走進我們大門的每個人創造一個溫馨和包容的環境。 來加入我們的敬拜和團契,讓我們的信仰一起成長。

a church with a cross on the top of it
a church with a cross on the top of it

Our Mission

At Christian Church of Chinese Ministry, our mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the Chinese community in Hong Kong and beyond. We strive to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Through our various ministries, we aim to nurture and grow the faith of believers, and to extend the love of Christ to those who are seeking truth and hope.

基督教中福教會,我們的使命是與香港及其他地區的華人社區分享耶穌基督的福音。 我們努力使萬民成為門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。 通過我們的各種事工,我們的目標是培養和發展信徒的信仰,並將基督的愛擴展到那些尋求真理和希望的人。


four women looking down
four women looking down

Our Ministries

We offer a range of ministries to serve the needs of the Chinese community in Hong Kong. Our worship services are conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin, and we also have a Sunday school for children. Our youth ministry provides opportunities for young people to grow in their faith and build friendships with one another. We also offer counseling services and support for those who are facing difficult challenges in life. Join us as we seek to love and serve the people of Hong Kong!

我們提供一系列事工來滿足香港華人社區的需求。 我們的崇拜以粵語和普通話進行,我們也有兒童主日學。 我們的青年事工為年輕人提供了在信仰上成長和彼此建立友誼的機會。 我們還為那些在生活中面臨困難挑戰的人提供諮詢服務和支持。 加入我們,努力去愛和服務香港人!


About Christian Church of Chinese Ministry

The Christian Church of Chinese Ministry is a charitable organization that was founded in Hong Kong in 2008. Our mission is to provide a community where people of all backgrounds can come together to worship God, grow in their faith, and serve others. We offer services in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, and our programs and events are designed to meet the diverse needs of our members.


基督教中福教會是一個慈善組織,於 2008 年在香港成立。我們的使命是提供一個社區,讓不同背景的人可以聚集在一起敬拜上帝,在信仰上成長,並為他人服務。 我們提供普通話、粵語和英語服務,我們的項目和活動旨在滿足會員的不同需求。

Bringing the love and grace of Jesus Christ to the Chinese and Hong Kong community


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